Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Wed am Owen and I went to playgroup for only the 2nd time. He was much more enjoyable this time than last. He loves to ride in the plastic cars. I say ride, but he really just sits and turns the steering wheel. He likes to take the key out and then wants me to stick it back in. Just so you all know that gets OLD really fast.. Then I met Shanna for a quick chat and walk. Brent got off work early today so he went w/me to Manhattan. Owen had a dr's appt at 2:15. So before that we hit walmart, walgreens, and home depot. It is amazing to me how fast you can be in and out of walmart w/another adult to help out. Owen does have an ear infection so we are set up for 10 days of antibiotics. I hope I can remember for 10 days. Brent got the upstairs shower faucet switched out. And the downstairs shower he finished last night. So back to 2 working bathrooms and there should be no leaks for years and years. One can only hope.

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