Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Little Pumpkin Patch

My mom and dad have a really big garden and every year they plant pumpkins and gourds and every year has been kind of a so-so year. Well this year was really good. They have pumpkins and gourds a plenty. On Sunday we went to their house after church for lunch and after a quick nap the kids and my nephew Carter went to "the little pumpkin patch". Owen was a little grumpy during the picking, but perked up when he saw the hose w/water to wash off the pumpkins. We picked plenty and now have some to do a little decorating..now if only the front porch was done so I could make it look really festive!

Cheerleading Debut.....

Maddison participated in a cheer clinic last Wednesday and then got cheer at the football game Friday night during halftime. She did a good job. She's in the middle w/her pink jacket tied around her waist that I begged for her to take off. Not sure the sound will work on video so here are the words. "Our team is what? Dynamite, Our team is what? Dynamite. Our team is tick, tick, tick, BOOM DYNAMITE." At least I think that's what they are saying.

Friday Night Football

Since Garrett was about 3 I have been going to Friday Night football games by myself w/the kids because of Brent refereeing Varsity Football games. At times it gets old and I could just stay home, but it gets us out of the house and now that the kids are a little older they actually enjoy going too. Plus we get to sit next to some really great people. The Ferguson family have sat by us for atleast 4 years and the kids enjoy playing together, but now that they are older they want to sit w/friends. Last Friday night that left Julie and I (for a short time) w/just our younger two. Jonah will be 2 in January and Owen is almost 16 months. Jonah wasn't too thrilled w/me taking pictures!

Our Little Helper

Owen loves the outdoors. When anyone is outside he thinks he has to be outside too. He actually entertains himself pretty easily, which is good most of the time, but he also becomes pretty brave and ventures farther off than I would like at times. He has been known to head to the shed or down the alley-way behind the shed to look at the cows. This picture is of him helping us out on the front porch.

Porch Project

There always seems to be an abundance of projects that need to be done at our house. When we built our house we were so anxious to get in that some projects were put off until we had "more time and money". Well some got done right away (within a year) others were scattered here and there and some immediately necessary..ie the whole house needing be resided because of wood rot and the basement semi-finished because of child #3 on the way. Well the basement isn't completely done. There is no bathroom and toy room yet, but "maybe this winter". Anyway we started another project about 3 weeks ago that I have been wanting done since we moved in. FRONT STEPS OFF THE FRONT PORCH! I have always thought the house looked semi-unfinished so I finally talked Brent into taking on this project. I actually owe Heath and Mikhaela some credit...because of them getting sidewalks poured at their house made my husband and I (more me than him) a little more ambitious to start. Actually we are a long ways from even putting on the steps because we are rocking the porch underneath to make it looked finished and then the steps are going up. I have enclosed some pics as to how we are getting along. Oh, when I say "we" it really means Brent. I help when I can, but Owen has to "help" too!

We had to bring in dirt under the deck to make things more level then poured concrete slabs for some treated lumber to sit on.

Next we added plywood. To this we will cover w/tar paper and a metal mesh. Then we will attach rock and morter. Part of this is done, but weather has prohibitted any more work for now. But thanking God for the rain as we were getting pretty dry.