Thursday, April 30, 2009
Good News
Thanks so much for your prayers. Its looking like Boston is going to be able to come home tonight. I think they will still have to do breathing treatments and antibiotics, but at least they will be home sweet home. Prayers answered. Thanks
Boston Rheece
I am wanting everyone to say a quick prayer today for our niece Boston - 15 months old. She was admitted last night to the hospital w/pneumonia. Her oxygen levels still aren't where they need to be so they will keep her at least until this evening and probably overnight. Heath, Mikhaela, and Boston didn't get much sleep last night and are all very tired. Except when Boston has her steroids. Then she wants to walk around and not stay put. Very hard, and frustrating and much wanting to go home. I know they would appreciate all prayers. I will keep you updated if there is any change. Thanks for your thinking of their family.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Tubes In...
Owen had tubes in today. Everything went as scheduled. Dr. Pease was on time and there were actually 2 other children ahead of us, but we still were good. Owen did really really awesome. I thought for sure he would start screaming when they take him back to the OR, but he just looked at the lady (she had a warm blanket to wrap him up in) looked at us and that was it. Brent and I both looked at each other completely SHOCKED. This kid cries when I take him to the church nursery, but he doesn't cry at a surgical center??? So we headed for a cup of coffee in waiting room, and w/in 10 minutes (I am not really sure it was even that long) the asst showed us to the consult room where Dr. Pease was waiting, he chatted 90 seconds, we waited maybe another 5 and we saw O in the step down room. He drank his apple juice and had graham crackers, and applesauce. Nurse checked on us 3 times and discharged us w/in 30 minutes. "Go ahead and get him dressed", she says. Problem...Owen DOESN"T WANT TO LEAVE. He refused to take off the gown, get dressed or put on shoes. Screams and throws himself on the ground. Nurse comes back, pulls back the curtain and says" What is the matter, he was just fine". We finally coaxed him into leaving w/three extra pkgs of graham crackers. Brent needed some stuff at home depot, I needed a few things at Target. We came home and he hasn't missed a beat at all. He did so well. I know that God answered prayers today, from his calmness to the dr's quickness, to recovery. Thank you to all who prayed for us today. Thank you thank you....
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Tubes Tomorrow Am
We got the call this afternoon and Owen is to be at the Surgical Center at 7am Monday morning. Thanks for all your prayers. I know its not a major thing, but still makes me nervous. I will post tomorrow after all said and done.
Why you don't bring work home with you!
Brent has been really busy at work (what a huge blessing), so he has been bringing some materials home to work on here. Usually in the evenings while watching the royals game! He told the kids on Saturday afternoon that he would pay them to put some red tips on the caps. Brent and I were upstairs getting ready to leave to go to a bonfire. I go downstairs to hollar at the kids to get ready and discovered this...

notice all the red tips...good thing they are easy to pick up but none the less Mr O was in a little trouble.
notice all the red tips...good thing they are easy to pick up but none the less Mr O was in a little trouble.
First Royals Game of the Year
On Friday afternoon we headed to the KC Royals game to watch them and check out the newly remodeled stadium. There were THREE highlights of the night. We got to see LC BOOM BOOM. She is EVERYTHING and MORE in person than her blog says. She is absolutely wonderful and precious. Two-Zach Grienke pitched a complete game and Three-The Royals one. But there were more than three LOWLIGHTS of the evening. But the main one was we spent 2/3 of the game standing in line. I know I mentioned before that we don't normally get food at the games, but because it was buck night I knew that we would eat some supper there. We also had tickets that had 1o dollars credit to be used for merchandise or concessions. So I am thinking we are going to be fine. WRONG! The lines were absolutely, totally, ridicously LONG, LONG, LONG. I am not a patient person and fighting people/crowds and lines are not my strong suit especially w/hungry, hot, tired children in tow. Bless the kiddos hearts, they were actually more patient than either Brent or I. Because it was buck night and the lines were so long people were ordering 10 or 15 hotdogs at one time. So the line did not move...I stood in line a LONG time at some side vendor wanting to use my credit for some snowcones only to have the guy tell me those don't work w/him he only takes CASH..Are you kidding? EVERY vendor that I saw was taking these things and had the kids not already grabbed the snowcones and started eating did I pay for them in cash. Yep, still have my credit. So we weave our way through lines w/snowcones spilling, and juice running over and go sit 10 rows from the TOP. We maybe watch an inning. By this time its around the 8th inning and we have to use this credit by the end of the night. I think the lines will be shorter since the game is almost over. So we head back down and stand in line some more and more. The line was not moving and I said to the kids what if we went and bought some merchandise. They said the could skip the nachos. So we got 2 royals baseballs and maddie a pink bat. As we are standing in line AGAIN. The game ends. So I missed the last 2 innings. We did see Brents cousin Kyle who graciously gave garrett 10 more dollars in credit and we came home w/some foam claw. As we are getting ready to pay (next in line) they come over the loud speaker saying that the Fireworks are canceled because of HIGH winds. Why should I not be surprised? We finally made it back to our van said goodbye to LC Boom BOom and family and came home. (yes, we skipped staying at my brothers-no one was in the mood-we just wanted to get home) Brent said on the way home that sitting in our basement w/hi-def and surround sound sitting in his chair we have probably been better. Not saying that we won't go back, but not for awhile!
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