When we first built our house we just built the main part and then after we moved in we built on the garage and the mudroom. Wow was it nice when it was done, because walking on plywood up to the door carrying groceries while it was muddy and raining was not fun! While building it the garage that was framed and had tresses up blew completely over in a bad summer storm. Looked like dominos. Brent and I still don't sleep so hot when the wind start blowing THAT hard.
Anyway we hurried to get it done. Soo..I begged brent to build me these lockers so I could be ORGANIZED. Oh and I should say that when these were built we only had 2 kids! You all know my story of the 3rd. So for now O shares G & M's locker. For the most part it worked, and to be honest and Brent would/will admit HIS locker is the messiest. He is a hoarder of "things" that he might use or wear. But after living here awhile we (I) wanted a different floor. The indoor outdoor carpet thing wasn't working out so well. I should admit it was probably more me leaning towards the carpet in the first place. I will admit I am not a huge fan of wood floors. I think they are cold and little uninviting, but after living here almost 5 years and having 75% of the house carpet, I am finding that having stains on your carpet can be uninviting as well. So all in all its a toss up.
SOOOO while doing the basement room downstairs we decided to redo the floor in the mudroom. I also bought some better red paint and repainted the lockers. Here are some before shots. I thought I had wrote on the pics to show you, but apparently that didn't take. I will say that Brent's locker (closest to the white door) looks WAY better in the pic than normal. He already cleared stuff out before I could take the pic!
Oh I should mention too that I washed the rag rugs so everything would be clean and of course they all frayed on one end..Sigh...one more finish job...oh I wasssssssss sooooooooooo close to marking this job "COMPLETELY DONE"