Monday, November 2, 2009

Sweet Swap

Our family is going to do this.  Sounds like fun and I am always needing new ideas for parties and family functions.  Bring on the Good stuff. 


ch said...

YAHOO!!! But would you PLEASE choose a recipe that people who can't cook can make? Because you aren't known for that. And some of us are far more domestically stunted that you.

Walleta said...

How do you get to do this? Walleta

The 5 C's said...

Walleta-Go to the link and click on the Sweet Swap-Link under the picture. Katie Lloyd will explain it all there. Is that what you mean?

Katie said...

Bless your heart for blogging about this!!

Sarah Marie said...

Hi Erica! Long time no see...

I look forward to seeing your recipe... From your blog you seem like quite a baker.

And your kids are so dang cute!