Thursday, May 20, 2010

One Room School House

On Tuesday, Garrett's 4th grade class had the opportunity to attend a one room school house for a day.  From what I saw it looked like all were having a good time.  They even got to pick new names for the day.  Garrett's was "Mark"...yes, brother Mark, you should be so proud!  Marcus was also my grandpa's name who attended a one room school house in South Dakota. 

Here is the class and room.  Garrett is in the back row w/the red shorts. 

Here he is working with a quill pen and ink.  (stupid blogger, won't rotate my picture)
Here he is smiling so I would leave!
While waiting for lunch time, Owen played at a little park.
After a "sack" lunch that was carried by tin pails, the kids played boys against girls in a softball game. 

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